Air is very important for the survival of life #




                The Air is commonly associated all gasses like Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon dioxide, Helium, Hydrogen etc.

                 The atmosphere of earth is layer of gasses, these gasses known as Air.

quantity of gasses in atmosphere


Two major gases of atmosphere is Nitrogen and Oxygen. Nitrogen is highest gas and Oxygen is second highest gas in atmosphere.


* Nitrogen = 78%

* Oxygen  = 21%

* Argon     = 0.93%

* Carbon dioxide = 0.03

* All other = 0.04%

 Atmosphere pressure measured instrument is Barometer. Helium gas is most weightless gas in atmosphere.

Atmosphere is divided into five layers.

1. Troposphere: This layer average height is 13 km. All the weather like rainfall, fog and hailstorm etc.

2. Stratosphere: This layer height is 13 to 50 km. This layer suitable for flying airlines and this layer of Ozone gas exists which protect us from the harmful effect of the sun rays.

3. Mesosphere: This layer height is 80 km Meteorites burn up in Mesosphere  on entering from the space.

4. Thermosphere: In this layer temperature rises rapidly with increasing height. this layer range is 80 to 400 km.

5. Exosphere: this is the outer layer of atmosphere. There is a very thin air. There is very light gasses like Helium and Hydrogen float in this layer.

      Air pressure 

                 The Air pressure is a weight of air on the earth surface. It is highest pressure at the sea level and low air pressure decreases with height.


                 The air always moves from high pressure areas to low pressure areas. This movement of air is called wind.

 Types of wind

1. permanent winds

2. Seasonal winds

3. Local winds

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