Earth is living(water, Blue) planet of solar system #



                             Earth is a one of the planet of solar system. Earth is  some different titles like Living planet, Water planet, Blue planet etc.

                             Earth is a third planet from the Sun and the fifth largest planet in Solar system in terms of size and mass.

                             The Earth 
name in English, the international language of astronomy, derives from Old English and Germanic words for ground and earth, and it is the only name for a planet of the solar system that does not come from Greco-Roman mythology.

                              The mean distance of Earth from the Sun is around 149,600,000 km (92,960,000 miles). The planet circles the Sun in a way that is by and by more almost a circle (less erratic) than are the circles of everything except two of different planets, Venus and Neptune. Earth makes one insurgency, or one complete circle of the Sun, in about 365.25 days means 365 and 6 hour. The heading of insurgency—counterclockwise as seen down from the north—is in a similar sense, or course, as the revolution of the Sun; Earth's turn, or pivot about its axis, is likewise in a similar sense, which is called direct or prograde. The revolution period, or length of a sidereal day (see day; sidereal time)— 23 hours, 56 minutes, and 4 seconds—is like that of Mars. Jupiter and most space rocks have days not exactly half as long, while Mercury and Venus have days all the more almost equivalent to their orbital periods. The 23.44° slant, or tendency, of Earth's axis to its orbital plane, likewise regular, brings about more prominent warming and more long periods of light in one half of the globe or the other throughout the span of a year as is answerable for the cyclic difference in seasons.

                                 The Moon is a Natural satellite of Earth. Lunar eclipses and Solar eclipses cause by the earth and the moon   themselves.

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