What is Figures of Speech? (English language grammar) #

 Figure of Speech 

          A Figure of Speech is word or phrase that possesses a separate meaning from literal definition. Its departure from the ordinary form of expression to produce a better effect.

 Main Figure of Speech 

1. Simile #  It is a figure of speech comparing to unlike things, always introduced with the 'like' or 'as' 

examples: * He run like Cheetah.

                 * He fight as brave as a Tiger.

                 * He eating like a Elephant.

                 * She sing as beautiful as a Cuckoo.

2. Metaphor #  It is one of the figure of speech we directly compare seemingly unrelated or non-similar subjects.

examples: * My teacher is an Angel.

                 * My son is Tiger.

                 * My hand is hammer.

3. Alliteration #  It is usually repetition of initial or first consonant sounds in two or more neighboring words or syllable.

example: * My dear deer is dear.

                * Sheep should sleep in a shed.

                * Little lara likes litchi.

                * Kamran's kids kept playing.

                * Sweet smell of success. 

4. Hyperbole : This figure of speech use of exaggeration statement or to create strong impression, but claims not meant taken literally.

example: * He is older than the mountain.

                * I could drink a lake because; I am so thirsty.

5. Oxymoron#  this figure of speech combines incongruous or contradictory or mutually opposed terms.

example: * Living dead

                * Dark light

                * Pretty ugly

                * Only choice

                * Small crowd

6. personification #  This is figure of speech human characteristic are attribute to an abstract quality, animal or inanimate object. 

example: * Lightning danced across the sky.

                  * Our alarm yells at the every early morning.

                  * The wind howled in the night.

7. Onomatopoeia #  It is a Word that actually looks like a sound it makes and we can almost hear those sounds as we read.

                                A word that sounds like what it describes.

figure of speech Onomatopoeia

 Onomatopoeia : یہ ایک ایسا لفظ ہے جو درحقیقت اس کی آواز کی طرح لگتا ہے اور ہم پڑھتے ہی ان آوازوں کو تقریباً سن سکتے ہیں۔

example: * The bee buzzed.

                 * My phone rings.

                 * The wolf is howled.

8. Irony #  This figure of speech is the use of words that mean by opposite of that you really think especially in order to be funny.

example: * He's great singer who sings like a crow.

                * He is a sprinter who run 2km per hour.

9. Assonance #  Repeat the same vowel but start with different consonant sound.

example: * I mad my way to the lake.

                * How is your cow now.

10. Pun #  pun is a joke based on the interplay homophones word with same pronunciation or sound but different meanings and different letters. 

example: * When two Orthopedist started a new surgery, it was a joint operation.

                 * pilot has easy access to cloud storage.

11. Litotes #  A negative expression with on affirmative sense.

example: * You are not a beauty queen.

                * He is not starving.

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