Moon is the only natural satellite of Earth in solar system:

The Moon

         The Moon is the only one natural satellite of the earth. It takes 27 days, 7 hours and 43 minutes to rotate on its axis this period is called  Sideral month and approximately the same period of time it takes to revolve around the earth. The moon's period of revolution with reference to the sun is about 29.53 day means 29 days, 12 hours,44 minutes and 2.8 seconds this period is called a Synodic month.  

  Important points:

* The study of Moon is called Selenology.

* The moon is 5th biggest natural planet in solar system.

* It has a diameter of 3,475km.

* The size of the Moon is 1/4 of the earth size.

* Liebuity mountain is the highest mountain of moon.

* Moon is a fossil of earth planet.

* The light from the Moon takes 1.3 seconds to reach the Earth.

* Only 59 percent of the total surface of the moon is visible from the earth.

* The temperature during daytime is about 100° C and during night time is drop down to about -180°C .

* The Moon formed about 4.51 billions year ago.

* The Moon another name is Luna.

* The moon distance is  proximately 400 000km.

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